What is a transcription service?

A transcription service is a type of service that converts spoken language into written text. Transcription services are important for businesses and individuals in South Africa. They convert audio recordings into text for various purposes like legal documentation, academic research, interviews, and more. They can also create written records of meetings or conferences. The cost of transcription varies based on the length and complexity of the recording.


What does a transcription person do?

A transcription person converts audio recordings into written text. They listen to the recording and type out the spoken words. Sometimes, they also edit the document for accuracy. Transcriptionists need good listening skills and knowledge of grammar and punctuation rules.

What are the requirements for transcription jobs?

Transcription jobs have various requirements. These include skills in grammar and punctuation, good listening abilities, knowledge of audio software, and attention to detail. Being able to type quickly and accurately is also important. Some employers may ask for tests or work samples before hiring.


How much does a transcription service costs in South Africa?

Transcription services in South Africa typically range from R700 to R1 400 per hour of recorded audio. The price is subject to variation based on the complexity of the recording and any additional services needed. It is recommended to reach out to a transcription service provider for an accurate quote.

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